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Indigenous Life In Canada: Past, Present, Future: Protests [Erin Nicks]

Indigenous Life In Canada: Past, Present, Future: Protests [Erin Nicks]

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Designed for elementary students from grades 4 to 7 the books offer introductions to the history of Indigenous Peoples in the story of Canada.

In Protests by Erin Nicks, the author, the six chapters begin with C

hapter one, Indigenous Struggles. In this chapter treaties, mistreatment affecting cultures through the residential schools and the development of reserves is discussed. Topics include clean water and modern movements.

Chapter 2 discusses the fight for rights including a timeline of the Oka protest.

Chapter 3 is about logging rights and government action and protestors, which includes the Clayoquot Sound protest.

Chapter 4 is introduces water protests with a map of the shoreline length of the Great Lakes. Water Walks are a way to raise awareness for Indigenous water issues.

Pipeline protests is presented in chapter 5 and the future of Indigenous activism is the last chapter in this book.

There is a glossary, further information resources, and index and information about the author.